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This website contains links to my THCRAP patches as well as my high scores for Touhou games.

thcrap mods

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My Touhou High Scores

Game Final Score Shottype Difficulty Highest Reached Stage Date
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil 43139340 ReimuB Normal 5 08/11/2024
Perfect Cherry Blossom 87339400 ReimuB Easy 4 09/25/2024
Imperishable Night 524148110 Marisa & Alice Easy 6 09/15/2024
Mountain of Faith 137227680 ReimuB Easy 6 09/20/2024
Subterranean Animism 6440360 ReimuA Normal 2 03/28/2024
Ten Desires 45706690 Reimu Easy 5 09/26/2024